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Chromebook help

Chromebook help

Currently, Ms. Anderson in the library is available to help you with your chromebook.


overdrive ebooks
Students are welcome in the library without a pass before school, break, lunch and after school.  You must have a valid, signed and dated pass to be in the library during class time, including advisory.  Please sign in up front.
You must use a student ID card to check out library materials. 
Use OVERDRIVE to read our digital books on your device or phone, 24/7, 365 days a year.
Text Books:  Students are responsible for the exact text book they check out according to the bar code number.  
Seniors owing text books/library materials at the time of graduation will not walk in the ceremony.  Seniors, don't let this be you!  Check your library account!
Students can check their library account online through the library website.  Go to the Destiny Library Catalog, click "log in" in the upper right and log in with username/password.  Click the "my info" tab.
The library is a space for all students, staff and teachers.  As such it is a safe, welcoming and inclusive space.  Appropriate behavior is expected and appreciated. NO food/drinks in the  computer areas.  Food/drinks are allowed at the  tables ONLY, for the time   There have been minimal problems with food in the appropriate areas.  Thanks and let's keep it that way.
Please feel free to share with me what you're reading, or make book suggestions, or just stop in and say hi!
Amy Anderson, LMT
Amy Anderson, Library Media Tech
728-6390 Ext. 6384
Monday-Friday 8-4:30 PM
Open for student lunch!
Closed daily 1:00-1:45pm
Occasionally closed after school Wednesdays, as scheduled.