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Ivy League Project
If you want to help students in the Watsonville Ivy League Project raise money for their trip to Ivy League Universities!
The Ivy League Project, Watsonville is an organization that supports underrepresented, high-achieving students interested in visiting and applying for an Ivy League School after graduation. Read the newsletter for more information (found in the Ivy League Project locker on this page).
Students from Pajaro Valley High School and Watsonville High School are eligible if they meet the following criteria:
1) First generation college student
2) GPA 3.75 or better
3) Sophomore or juniors status
4) Enrolled in at least one or two AP classes
* Parents must make a commitment to help raise funds and make the initial payment for the flights.
* Students and parents need to make a commitment to meet with an advisor and also be available for presentations in the community to raise funds for the trip.
Dates of trip: TBA
Ivy League Project in the News
Ruschele Viotti | (831) 728-6390 ex: 6396 | Counselor 9th Grade P-Z and 11th Grade P-Z |